New in Sliptree: Download multiple invoices as PDFs

We just launched a simple, yet very handy feature. You can now download multiple invoices as PDF files all at once. This feature comes in 2 flavours: Pick & Choose, which allows you to mark invoices you want to download with a checkbox Monthly, which let’s you download a month’s invoices with a single click … Continued

Invoice language, russian support and new invoices list.

During the last week we launched quite a few updates, namely the support for changing invoice language, a new and improved invoice list and russian language support. I will now go briefly over each one. Change invoice language Have You ever had to send an invoice to somebody who speaks another language? Wouldn’t it be … Continued

Reblog: Google Cross-device survey

Every now and then you stumble across something on the internets that is really worth your while. So, this monday as I was sipping my coffee, I came across something like this, a  link to the Google Mobile Ads blog post about their recent cross-device survey. This post also contains a worth-your-while presentation, very nice and concise, … Continued

Why should a webpage have content strategy?

Just as no builder will start building a house from foundation and without proper drawings, you should not start building your webpage without a proper plan. A proper plan about which pieces this webpage will consist of and how these pieces will fit together with one another. Also with both, building a house or a … Continued

What happens when the sky falls down?

A very likable animated character from the end of the Soviet era has been ingrained in my memory. This certain character was a rabbit who had been startled in his sleep, causing him to raise panic among inhabitants of the woods – „The sky is falling down!“ was his main message. I will try to … Continued

What everyone should know about 50:50 parntership

It is very common, that two friends rush into starting a business and set the partnership to be 50:50. This halves the financial duty, managing responsibility and general commitment. Is this, however, what both had in mind? Let’s take a closer look at the joys and worries of an equal partnership. Making decisions I am … Continued